
Hypocrisy or unacknowledged self-contradiction is so widespread, it is a contaminant in our thought processes, yet for some reason the most obvious hypocrisy seems to perpetrate unscathed.

Booze and Drugs

Those scary “special drugs,” (like the relatively cheap, safe pot) are labeled “gateway drugs.” Pot was specifically vilified, as a tactic to make it “scary” (though once that ruse got ineffective, they were quick to “legalize” pot in a lot of jurisdictions, so as to rake in the tax on it).

But by their reasoning, the “approved” drug, booze, must also then be a “gateway drug,” but you’re never going to see that mentioned on the boozy ads that try to convince you that you’ll never be sexier than when your blood-alcohol content is pegging the Bozo-Meter.

Stop it with the alcohol glorification. It is apparently the most dangerous of all the drugs, particularly if you don’t sip it at a reasonable rate, but chug it. A high rate of consumption overloads your body’s capacity to process it into a non-poison. Hence, the brain damage that passes as “drunkenness.”

That’s not to say that any drugs are so great. In an ideal world, they’re all probably best avoided, particularly pharmaceutical drugs.

Booze It Up

Consider the phoniness of those “sensitive, caring” distillery and brewery ads that used to be popular. One particularly annoying one told you to, “Take Care,” presumably when you’re boozed-up and getting behind the wheel.

Of course, because people seem blind to hypocrisy, at least when it comes from an “official,” or “authorized,” source, these companies were not laughed out of business. They would be in their glory if everyone were booze-addled lushes, as long as we kept spend-spend-spending on their products. It’s the same BS nonsense as casinos and lotteries trumpeting, “Know Your Limits,” because, as we all know, they don’t want you giving them your money.

Because it is such a harmful drug, liquor is protected. They want us buggered up, so booze is made readily available, and generous welfare programs ensure even the poor can get their hands on it.

The Old Soft-Sell

In reviewing old TV and movies, it’s stunning how they’ve been conning us for years about booze. They were very boozy in those old shows. All the cool agents and spies and detectives guzzled it up heavily... like booze is some panacea. Professional people coming home from work, every night pouring a drink, lots of daytime and at-work drinkers. For a long time, before it got vilified, smoking got the same treatment, and the “stars” used to be all over the place in ads, touting Luckies and Camels and other brands. Then there’s the “party atmosphere” BS that is so promoted in movies. It’s a lifestyle!

Modern media, music videos, songs have carried on this tradition. And college is terrible for this, all the mixers and “parties” with lots of booze and the sly touting of “Spring Break.” And this promotion of “chugging” drinks, “shots,” or the funnel and other crap like that, should be in the same category as Russian Roulette, not “good sport.” Uncanny how they promote the most destructive and clownish stupidity without any backlash or complaint. Why aren’t the booze-makers targeted like the guys that make smokes?

Should drinking to excess be illegal or booze be banned? Of course not. But if society turns from its tacit acceptance, and the seedy reality of booze becomes more publicly acknowledged, the problem largely disappears. Of course, many people cannot and will not understand the word, “moderation,” but those are the personality types that self-select for self-destruction and they’ll manage it one way or the other with or without your help, something the meddlers of society cannot and will not understand.


A very important point here. They don’t check for boozers coming out of bars, saloons, taverns, what have you, as a rule. They aren’t going to meddle with or inhibit that. Lots of people drove and drive drunk, yet somehow escape punishment. But then, randomly, they’ll go all-out with “checkpoints,” somewhere distant from the pub, targeting and inconveniencing everyone while boasting hollow claims about looking out for your interests. Nothing to do with public safety, but it makes a convenient pretext for a show of force, of the police presence, to keep the proles scared and in line.


Fixing up a scummy, run-down neighborhood infested with alkies, crackheads and low-lifes is now called, in an unpleasant way, “gentrification,” in another example of idiot self-mockery.

It is not clear why the scum that run things and promote such nonsense are against urban renewal, as it used to be called. It’s of course another shaming tactic evil swine run against the people who appreciate beauty and want progress and improvement. It’s an expression of the sociopathic tendency we always see from the ruling and controlling class and that’s something that decent people will have to get a handle on somehow.

Carbon Footprint

“Buy Electric Cars” screams one newspaper headline. “Close Down Coal & Natural Gas Power Plants” screams another.

If, as reported, each immigrant to the US increases his or her carbon footprint four-fold, why is that not of concern, if there’s so much “climate crisis” going on? Well, of course, this hypocrisy shouldn’t surprise when it is characteristic of all liberal and bleeding-heart types to never think through the consequences of anything that gratifies them and makes them feel good.

The Blame Game

There is an interesting little quirk of mankind of blaming people when bad things happen, but they never acknowledging them when good things happen.

This is perhaps most pronounced with politicians, who are marvels of laziness. So they jump on any chance at criticism as an opportunity to grandstand and run their yaps. How much better to use the opportunity to instead speak of how an improved tactic might address a given problem, and to elaborate on the details of this plan.

The blame game usually just shows up insecurities and exposes those who are scrambling for status. It is not particularly constructive, but an egregious zone, and more hypocrisy.

Lying to Ourselves

Sometimes it’s not exactly hypocrisy. People lie to themselves. Truly lie, not just “coach” themselves. For one, there’s gym and fitness center memberships. People pay a large fee and then only show up a couple of times. Gyms like it of course, as it is a kind of subsidy, but people aren’t initially going there with the intent of providing a handout to gym owners.

No one just hands out free money without cause, so we know these people truly believe they are going to go to the gym regularly. It’s commonplace to lie to ourselves about even important things.

So it’s no shock that we are lied to so much, and particularly, tolerate so many political lies, if people don’t even have the discipline to be honest with themselves.

We just aren’t “copers,” for the most part. We must recognize that we aren’t really equipped to deal with a modern world, unless we open our awareness. We often can’t cope, since complexity, understandably, simply stymies us. That’s not a knock, since the people introducing that complexity can also exploit it! This also seems to escape most people’s attention.


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