Lest We Forget...
How are important stories memory-holed so easily? Instead of a "year in review," here are some news items that should be remembered, not limited to 2024.
Athletic Competition
Mass. Exodus
Official: no more Gay Head in Massachusetts — Massachusetts empties.
It has been years since there has been no Gay Head in the state, yet people are still leaving in droves.
Speaking of Greta
We Warned Magnus
In Chess Cheats, Magnus Carlsen was advised to quit the ridiculous FIDE, and start his own chess organization. He didn't and, sure enough, he got done dirty by it again when he was fined and booted from the 2024 Rapid World Championship tournament, by FIDE, for wearing jeans, contrary to the "dress code." They weren't exactly farmer's jeans though, and in any case, that's a stupid rule, typical of petty bureaucracies.
Well, they seem to have backed down, and so Magnus is back, in jeans, at the Blitz Championship.
He still should start his own organization like Kasparov did in 1993.
Bud Light
Speaking of Trans
Speaking of Trans
Henley hates the Eagles, and his fans, which is obvious, but yet he persists. What's it going to be like in a few years from now after all his fellow nestlings keel over?
Miming to canned tracks. So much for "legacy." Not just Henley and the Eagles, of course, it's most all of them that are cheating somehow. Auto-Tune, overdubbing, straight lip-synch. Even Roger Waters has been using a backing track since the '80s!
It's come to this sad end, when so many don't know when to hang it up. There are mental issues with these people who think they're going to live forever. Henley: When are you going to sit down, kick back and spend all your well- and ill-gotten gains?
Henley should be proud to have been elemental in creation of a great band, but, no. Of course he and Frey ruined things long before when they ganged up and kicked out Felder.
If these guys, particularly ones whose voices are shot, must work well past retirement age, why can't they take up a role behind the scenes, consulting or managing? They seem to have some craving for the spotlight, it's too bad they have no shame.
Trump Elected
French Politics
Speaking of Politics
Joe and Zelensky
Levine and Brinton
Speaking of Trans
Paul Pelosi
Privacy Tour
Chinese Communists
Dats a Spicy Meat-a-Ball
Speaking of Pelosi
Crickets for Breakfast???
Crazy H.R. Lady
Clumsy Matt Petgrave
Where did this story disappear to?