Table of Contents
Regarding Con Artists
Most everyone that gets publicity is running a con. Sadly, people think there are certain people they can "trust," because of that publicity, but the fact is, everyone has to prove himself or herself, not just by having a label slapped on.
BCE and CE
Instead of writing BC and AD to designate the era, they now are pushing this BCE/CE crap, where BCE stands for "Before Common Era" and CE, "Common Era."
Instead of this switch from BC to BCE, they could just say that "BC" itself stands for Before Common era, because their rationale makes no sense. The dividing point is still the supposed birth of Christ, so they accomplish nothing with their machinations.
"AD?" Well, simply substitute something there as well. Reconfigure it to stand for something other than Anno Domini, if they really feel that compulsion. Certainly there are lots of Latin words that can fill in nicely.
"Common era?" It seems every era is the common one, if you're living in it. This is part of their scheme to confuse and muddle history, and it should disgust any thinking person. Tell anyone pulling this scam to bugger themselves with a 10 foot steel pole if a longer one isn't available.
Bug-Mongering Scum
Interesting how they picked the bugs thing, as a new "superfood," when bugs are full of parasites, and their chitin is poison to humans. Plus, think of all the bug shit you'd be eating.
This push for bug eating seems doomed to failure, much like "vegetarian meats," and reminds of another con: highly processed foods, like breakfast cereals (breakfast candies, really) that cost less than the grains themselves. There are instances in the store where the processed cereal costs less by weight than whole oats.
Certainly it can't be cost-effective to set up big factories to "raise" insects in the first place. (Nor does it seem cost-effective when the processed ingredients are cheaper than the raw materials.) It's a very peculiar endeavor. They want to sicken and kill you, as quickly as possible, and make little to no effort to hide it.
Bill Gates
Is the swine (who is part of that bug agenda, too) really up for murder charges in the Philippines? That con-entity is long overdue for a comeuppance, but it looks like that ain't happening. Gates needs to be buggered with a 10-foot brass pole if a longer one isn't handy. Since Gates would like that, Bill then needs to be punished.
He is definitely up on fraud charges in Holland, though things like (Gates-financed) Reuters deny it. Or try to deny it, while admitting to it in the seventh and eighth paragraphs down.
The English translation of this October, 2024 article from De Telegraaf is more clear.
LEEUWARDEN - The lawsuit against businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates continues. He is accused by a Dutch group of corona sceptics of 'vaccine damage' by corona vaccines. Gates had objected because according to him the judges did not have jurisdiction, but the court in Leeuwarden ruled on Wednesday that it does have jurisdiction.
Automotive Cons
All the car manufacturers are colluding now. They suck from the teat of government.
If you've ever wondered why you'd want explosive devices sitting inches from your face – "airbags" – it's because the automakers colluded with government to make them compulsory.
No one would buy them. Many people have been harmed by them. But there is a fat profit involved if you force them on people.
Note that the con also seems deliberately calculated to injure people. Not just an accident. If airbag placement were much farther back, set behind the dash, and rigged to push a cushion at you, not the bag and shrapnel itself, and the seat belts were engineered with some "give" at the limit, there would be no need for the placement of an explosive device just inches/centimeters from your face.
This proliferation of "mags," magnesium wheels and aluminum alloy wheels, is really mind-boggling. You can gussie-up the steel wheels ("custom steelies") and style them nicely. Steel is more suited to wheels than alloys are.
Steel wheels are actually about the same weight since steel's stronger, so though it weighs more, the wheels can be thinner. Besides, they jack up the mag wheel sizes, making them overly big (and impractical) these days, so again the alleged weight advantage vanishes.
And steelies are more easily repairable. Also, the alloys are more easily damaged with parking rash (curb scrapes), whereas the steel can be refinished with relative ease. The con men don't want that, do they now? Bugger them. Bugger them right up the wazoo!
You'd think it would be an issue that steel rusts, but you rarely see a rusty wheel, and besides, steel wheels are recommended for winter. The problem is probably more likely that they rust from the inside, a past issue which could be avoided by ensuring only dry air was added to tires. Modern coatings and treatments have addressed that.
Also, using ultra high-strength steel is a way to reduce the wheel weight.
Looks like at least one manufacturer, Maxion Wheels, is using ultra (not an endorsement, this is just the first one found):
Styled well-attached steel wheels allow for minimal wheel trim and warranty issues. Our use of materials such as ultra-high strength steel, as well as our new manufacturing technologies, enables us to create ultra-lightweight designs that were not feasible just a few years ago.
The mags have the advantage in all the myriad of styles they come in, but it seems that the steelies are stylish enough.
Had to laugh, while researching this, at some guy saying they don't make steelies above 17 inches (someone who has never seen a semi), and the one who had a hissy-fit over someone asking just this question about why steel wheels aren't better-styled, another one who says steelies can't have spokes. Con-artists have their own cheering section, seemingly the bulk of the population, who support their cons so well, they hardly have to lift a finger. It must be so, or there wouldn't be so many successful cons. Terminal gullibility of the public.
One guy who seems to be expert doesn't have a preference, though he's talking about off-road, so that indicates that at least to him, there's no big advantage to the alloys.
Since steelies can be styled, and mags have no clear advantage over them, obviously that would make price the consideration, and steelies are far cheaper.
We do wish, though, they stopped putting those hideous "wheel covers" over top of basic, cheaply-stamped wheels (often "reinforced" by a cautious owner with zip ties to hold them fast), to really emphasize you were to cheap to pony up for the mags. OEMs love to profit off of expensive mags, instead of just doing a small bit of work to improve the looks of the standard steel wheels.
Steelies seem mostly easier to clean. (A consequence of their not being so intricate, of course.)
Which is to say, the proliferation of mags is a con. Most people would probably take steel, were the car-makers to put in the effort to offer it as an alternative, (and if people were better educated about the two types of materials), but they've gone and made alloys standard on most trims.
DST and Psychological Warfare
Why do you think they have such a thing as Daylight Saving Time, a useless maneuver that only serves to confuse and gum things up twice a year? One option is to go by GMT (Greenwich Mean Time or Universal Standard Time). Another is just to leave it at standard time and for people to adjust their opening hours so they make sense, as we've suggested before.
This DST crap is psychological warfare by those who think they have the power to alter reality.
Noon is when the sun is highest in the sky, hence "high noon," which is what makes it a "standard." They make a similar error in mindset with the "U.S. dollar," which is not the paper they use these days, but an officially mandated, fixed, or standard, weight of silver, in the U.S. It is originally, and still, a legally-defined quantity of that precious metal, 371.25 grains. This is the same weight as the Spanish milled silver dollar coin, legally circulated until 1857. That coin was where the term, "Pieces of Eight," and terms like two bits, four bits, came from as they used to actually cut them into eight to make change.
Defining a dollar, or defining time, is the same as defining a foot or a meter of length, it's fixed... and the only way it can change, is if they're trying to cheat someone.
Humans' realities of convenience don't make actual reality.
By accepting new, twisted and deceptive, definitions we become conditioned to the most ridiculous things.
Mutilation of children under the guise of "fluid sexuality" and "trans sex."
Euthanasia, state-sponsored murder.
Anti-racism by being racist.
Use of "voting machines," with secret, "copyrighted" computer code.
...And those are just the tip of the iceberg.
So-Called Society
Society — and this is a big deal — is engineered for inefficiency, that way keeping the spoils for the masters, and importantly, keeping the beavers eager, and downtrodden. If you don't start from that you won't understand the need for a re-examination and re-tooling of the system for greater freedom and efficiency. Of course the commies manipulate that with their sneaky ploys and false concern for "the proletariat," and "the worker..." Same deal with how war is used constantly, all part of the bigger structure.
This con of engineering society for inefficiency means society and its men and women can't achieve full potential.
Pundits and Intellectuals
They always have to have these "experts" and — what are they called? — "influencers," in the background, to tell people how to think, and to promote their latest fad or stupid money-making scheme.
Hufschmidt summed things up hilariously.
Jordan Peterson was impressed by ChatGTP's intelligence, but it would be more accurate to describe the situation as Jordan Peterson's intellectual abilities being so defective that a computer can produce documents that are as idiotic, vague, and confusing as his.
That's the thing, what you'd expect from pseudo-intellectuals like Peterson: the continual "brain droppings" with no real content, the trying to sound erudite, while desperately signaling their "superiority."
Big Oil
Don't be gullible: One CIA goon said he wanted everything the American public believed to be a lie. Yet no one took him seriously. Yet, it appears they've succeeded, because everything that can be a lie, is a lie, these days.
Don't be gullible: of course they maneuver to keep oil prices high.
Don't be gullible when "they" are telling you that oil is diminishing.
Among the big cons, the big oil con lists among the absolute biggest. And the most inexplicable for its persistence. As we already know, there's no limit to the oil, ever, even if we couldn't keep extracting it from the ground. Hemp is an inexhaustible source for clean-burning, "ecological" oil. Most any barren land is ideal for hemp production since it's not a fussy crop.
Another alternative that is resisted, while we're still using diesel, and gasoline, is natural gas. It is clean-burning, and cheap (people don't know they have to burn it off at the wellhead, and at refineries). How it would help the Latin American countries that have out-of-control pollution in the big cities and, of course, use lots of diesel. It's notable that engines last around twice as long using natural gas. Can't have that now, can we?
So why the hydrogen boondoggle (even Scotty Kilmer is pushing this)? Hydrogen is a scam — it is cracked from hydrocarbons, so it's not cost-effective, it is problematic (remember the Hindenburg), has little energy value by volume, whereas all the hydrocarbons are all ready for service and well sorted out. (Any of the lighter hydrocarbons seem to be good fuels, like propane or LNG.)
It's a con, of course. They're never going to let up or allow any real solutions until they have their way of complete dictatorial control.
Natural gas is 70-90% methane, mixed with other hydrocarbons, like:
Name | Chemical Formula |
Methane | CH4 |
Ethane | C2H6 |
Propane | C3H8 |
Butane | C4H10 |
Pentane | C5H12 |
Hexane | C6H14 |
Heptane | C7H16 |
Octane | C8H18 |
Nonane | C9H20 |
Decane | C10H22 |
Anything Publicized Is a Con
How did that Audi "unintended acceleration" scandal work? I mean, supposing this mysterious malfunction were to happen to you, how would you report it, and who would take you seriously if they didn't want to? They could simply ignore you, blame you, and you'd have no recourse.
They seem to have a grudge against Volkswagen (Audi is part of VW), with these cons they concoct against it, like the "Dieselgate" con, while blindly ignoring the other manufacturers sins. Recall how murdering Ford made the callous decision to "accept" a number of deaths by not making a simple, inexpensive change to its cars, and that was just peachy with the "regulators."
This "suing" stuff continues to be very suspicious, and very selective, like the situation we reported with Burning Woo Lady, where McDonalds was being sued all the time but didn't make any effort to cover itself against that eventuality.
In case you're wondering how they control what is publicized, well, Rolling Stone magazine outed Reuters, as a known CIA front, in the 1970s! Most of this stuff is out there, if anyone takes the time to do the most cursory of research.
(But even that is simplistic: John Simkin explains it's most, if not all media — Hearst, NBC, CBS... Carl Bernstein also has reported on this, in a Rolling Stone article.)
Won't Get Fooled Again
As someone said, you can't determine a person's true nature via a speech or two. We live in a world of deceit! And, we don't know who is playing a role, or which side they are actors for!
This is in response to some politician's rant in support of "the people." Someone was on point when he said she's a scripted actor providing, "some false hope we still have some kinda legit government."
The Consulting Scam
Often good work, if you can get it, consulting can work as an unfortunate con to serve the needs of scumbags.
There was a consultancy posting in the inbox one day, asking for a specialist who "must maintain professionalism at all times on the job."
Hmm. You can easily visualize the crisis that caused this "job opportunity" to open up. Probably some consultant finally had enough of the crap fed him from some rotten employer and told a manager to bugger off in front of everyone. But he was the one who was "unprofessional."
I asked a consultancy staffer why all these buzzwords get spread around, ("synergies," "disruptive," "paradigm shift," "workstream," "thought leadership,""ROI," etc.) and they're relentless and ubiquitous. The snap answer: "Consultants!" So that's how these bad ideas propagate so fast!
The web says "agile" and "scalability" are buzzwords, but no, those are things that can be important, but are used stupidly, thereby becoming buzzwords. Also "object-oriented" used to be a big one, and "real-time," but they're technical descriptors that never should have become buzzwords. It's not just that, consulting firms seem to spread some weird sort of concepts and philosophies that aren't necessarily wholesome or sensible. Now, everything has to be "green," "sustainable," and so on. A monstrous con.There are even cons piled on top of cons, as many or most job listings these days are fake, where the jobs don't even exist. Also, in the U.S., when they do have a job opening, they'll pad it with an incredible list of unrealistic "qualifications," in order to jigger things to demonstrate they couldn't find a "local candidate," so they just have to bring in an H-1B from overseas (at a lower salary).
So all this feigned perplexity about "hiring practices" and "finding good workers" is all part of the show, part of the con. As this blog has made clear, the only important factor is how one fared in his or her prior jobs, but that's too easy and doesn't contribute to the confusion that they need to keep the deception going.
Community Service
Now some employers are forcing employees to do community service for an hour or more a year. That there are supporters of this practice is yet more amazing. Someone will say, "Oh, it's paid time so it's part of your job." What a ridiculous non-justification, particularly when we, not so very long ago, had to endure endless caterwauling and angst over secretaries not wanting to deliver coffee to their bosses because it "wasn't part of their job description."
You know what's most odd: Whatever happened to all the worries about "liability?" Has that gone by the wayside now, when they want to humiliate people as a general practice? Also, what does it say about the company, that it is so cavalier that it can afford to waste its employees efforts? It's like it is a joke company. Or it is preening?
Is It Becoming Obvious?
You go to Safeway for groceries, and they are almost demanding a contribution for one "charity" or another.
It's not just Safeway, Sobey's, Giant Eagle, Walmart... anymore, it's the entire grocery business.
This ties in to a general trend of "uppityness" by service staff. Wonder if that is cultured from on high as well? It must be that if they aren't encouraging it, they're just selecting for more brash personalities, because they need rude clowns with the boldness to solicit at the till.
Bitcoin New Con
Writing a big Bitcoin article brought the realization that, of course, most people aren't involved in that scam anyway. It still should be a topic of interest for everyone, despite that. Anyway, related to Bitcoin is another scam: Tether.
It's a clever harvest of the holdouts. Don't like Bitcoin? Well here's Tether and it's even better! Like Bitcoin, anyone promoting it is a con artist. Apparently it is supposed to be "tethered" to the U.S. dollar, with full backing. Well, it turned out that is not the case. So its supposed 1:1 relation with the value of the U.S. dollar doesn't hold, but fluctuates. But this device is linked with Bitcoin, and they're fraudulently "minting" (issuing) more and more Tether tokens to buy Bitcoin, which has a destabilizing effect. This requires an entire article to explain, and fortunately there's a good one here.
More Bitcoin Clownery
If they don't already have a "back door" to hack Bitcon (and it probably wouldn't have been allowed to become "a thing," if they didn't), what about the threat of some supercomputer deciphering all the keys? Again demonstrating the disconnect of people, and particularly shills, they're always trumpeting their "quantum computing," which will supposedly have power to crack codes... The same group of clowns promoting Bitcon, also rave about Q.C., but their Bitcon hustle could be ruined by Q.C., if it ever does "crack the encryption!"
Moon Goons
What buggardry is this? Aldrin's mother (maiden name "Moon????!") killed herself? And then Buzz got them to lie about the cause of her death! It never ends with these weirdos! This (fanciful, improbable stories and wacky machinations) indicates that it is very likely there was no "Buzz Aldrin," and so no "Neil Armstrong" or "Michael Collins" either. They're spooks with phony, made-up party names.
But that "Neil Armstrong," what a piece of plop that money-grubbing freak was. He — how can this even be true? — sold his pocket change that supposedly went to the moon. Which presumably means he wore his street clothes there, too? This moon story just gets ever more depressing with every passing year.
For a real trip without leaving your room, realize that we don't even know what moon really is.
Everything is different than you're told.
They don't need to have the huge expenditures they claim on motion pictures. They need to make grandiose claims for publicity, though. So they say, "Oh, the movie Edge of Tomorrow spent over $100 million on ads, and yet the returns were disappointing." But they own the media that produces the ads in many cases, so the money is just moving between right and left hands. It's stupid, but it gives them a story for the plebes to suck up. Speaking of E of T, people seem to have missed how on point that film is, in its depiction of sending the cannon fodder on suicide missions, no matter how obvious the peril. It's a excellent picture overall, too. Odd how a movie like that, and many others, (check out At the Movies...), which are real tours de force, aren't recognized as true art, just as the Mona Lisa is, or Michelangelo's David.
This is one of the topics we've already covered (in King Kon), but there's another part to this plot. They steal ideas, but also reject books, to suppress authors from writing politically uncomfortable truths.
The Vitamin Scam
And what a complete betrayal. We talked about vitamins and the misconceptions people had, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. They're using the vitamin con to literally poison people, calling bizarre chemical concoctions, "vitamins," and foisting them on us. To compound matters, this article explains how they're fattening and weakening us with cattle feed and ersatz vitamins, or just engaged in outright destruction.
Drug War
It's always been a con, one of the worst, since the "official" ℞ drugs are the same fundamentally as the "illicit" ones, and millions of people are being poisoned by the drug companies. In any case, prohibition is a bad idea, and one reason is found in the "Iron Law of Prohibition."
The iron law of prohibition is a term coined by Richard Cowan in 1986 which posits that as law enforcement becomes more intense, the potency of prohibited substances increases.[1] - Wikipedia
Failed Cons
Some of the cons are so scummy and so repulsive, like the veggie-burgers or insect eating, that they don't get a foothold.
When they drop these unworkable cons, it gives the poor sap who was fighting it, and others who had concerns, a feeling of victory. A hollow victory, since in the meantime all their other cons are coming to juicy fruition.