Climate Change

Climate Change is for children, whom it makes feel important and a part of something. Anyone pushing that absurdity beyond childhood, hasn't matured.

Children are easily exploited by the climate change crowd. That's one of the fundamentals life comes down to, certain people and groups finding exploits and using them to manipulate others into their bidding.

children protesting

We have to consider too, the dopamine or adrenaline rush that's experienced when the adult "protesters" go out and make the scene. These protesters are also drug addicts. Which explains why they won't listen to reason or logic and go into irrational fits of rage when anyone challenges their fantasies. Some might think we were dealing with proto-humans and the possessed, considering the behavior of the worst of them, and how can you tell — what's the distinction if they are so intransigent, thick-headed and proud that they can't change and adapt to new information?

No Respect

We're held in contempt by government, "the elite," and corporations. But can you blame them?

Maybe we aren't taught much in school, but, yet, we often seem to run into trouble applying the few truths that we are taught.

Like those about gases, and density.

stratification of liquids

The photo shows an example of stratification (separation) of liquids based on density.

"Heavier," that is, more dense, liquids, are at the bottom, the less dense liquids rise to the top, all on their own and automatically.

Of course, this is only common sense.

You can see, and have seen, stratification of gases in action, too, because we've all seen helium-filled balloons that were released, soaring up into the sky.

Scientists Can't Explain...

What feelings do those words inspire in you? It used to be that scientists couldn't explain how bumblebees flew, and I suppose they still can't. Inexplicably, it seems people don't realize this means, not that bees are Voodoo, or bees can't fly, but that scientists who do comment regarding this topic, are incompetent to comment on the matter of bumblebees.

But that kind of talk scares people. To deny science and scientists like that? Horrors!

Quick & Dirty Summary

the claims of Climate Change promoters

the science of gases

"official science" and its lies

real science & logic: their use and application


I'm not writing these blog articles as a bunch of random scribblings. They tie together, and help you use techniques and tactics to explore bad thinking, so you can be protected from the depredations of the legions of scumbags that are ruining the world for us. And this includes many, many so-called "scientists," that are all-in on the Global Warming, Man-made Climate Change, or Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) hoax.

Scientists can't explain...

  • Scientists can't explain why we sleep.
  • Scientists can't explain where all the so-called "dark matter" is.
  • Scientists can't fully explain ball lightning, tornadoes, earthquakes, and a host of natural phenomena.
  • Scientists can't explain anything metaphysical, including dreams, apparent "ESP," and the like.

Dreams are an interesting case. If you dream while awake, that is considered "hallucinating," and that can occur in the sleep-deprived, interestingly enough.

They can't even explain rainbows! If you look for the "scientific explanation" they resort to hand-waving explanations using terms like "diffusion," "scattering," "refraction," "reflection." In fact, they contradict themselves by saying light refracts and reflects, in a raindrop, a varying number of times. No explanation is offered of how it can perform this feat.

How does a rainbow work? Refer to this article for an interesting discussion.

Magical Thinking

It's called "magical thinking" when people think things occur without reason, or "because the experts say so."

Or when they think that scientists' shaky explanations make any sense, just because they come from scientists.

Of course, not all scientists agree on AGW, so we know already, without doubt, that some scientists must be wrong.

Some scientists say that CO2 absorbs and re-radiates heat back down to earth.

Looking at the claim of "absorption and re-radiation," they say that CO2 lets light (higher-energy) through from the sun. That light reflects from the earth as heat (lower-energy), and is then absorbed on the way out by CO2 that "re-radiates" it back to earth.

First off, if it "reflects heat back down to earth on the way out," it is more prone to reflecting heat away from earth on the way in.

Also, since the molecule is moving and twisting, it will re-radiate in all directions on the way back out, as well.

(In fact, all gases absorb and re-radiate. All those "absorption charts" you may see them trot out to persuade you are meaningless, used out of context. We should all be outraged that they attempt to exploit people to "sell" their BS stories with deceptive practices.)

Since there's more "away" than "towards," that is, the earth is a smaller cross-section than space, the effect, were CO2 to act in the magical way claimed, would be a cooling effect on earth!

Don't worry though, they've got that covered, the global warming is causing cooling, too.

It's mind-boggling that suckers fall for the AGW claims. But most people don't even know what the claims are. They don't investigate for themselves. They do what they're told.


We're tricked into it, to some extent. There are multiple mind games to elicit a response in the public.

Someone among the scam squad, inevitably, is smart enough to use this tool, and it works every time: Give a name, particularly a fancy, "scientific-sounding" name to something, and you're on the road! Using "anthropogenic" for "man-made," is a great one. Someone must've burned the midnight oil to concoct that one.

And that, friends, is a logical fallacy, though I doubt you'll see it in any textbooks on logic, though in some ways, it is a form of "Appeal to Authority," a fallacy of relevance. And, the scam is a tricky way of "Begging the Question," a fallacy of presumption, which is especially egregious and sneaky, one of many ways you're tricked into lies.

We've discussed this "labeling fallacy," or, "the name game," before. It deserves its own new category of fallacy, managing to be presumptive and irrelevant at the same time.

Blueprint for an Age of Rationality

How would we function in a different time, one structured as a rational time of progress? Well, there'd be:

  • no "supernatural" thinking: every scientific claim would have to be supported by evidence — conclusive evidence
  • no lies: no scientific endeavor would be immune to examination and cross-examination; all anomalies between claims and reality would be subject to intensive scrutiny
  • no use of taxation for funding (no government funding) — all research would have to be privately funded and supported
  • no schools and colleges/universities in their present form; instead of "teachers," people who were successful in the private sector would go on to teach modern, useful science, engineering and technology at revamped schools and universities; there'd be no "career teachers." Teaching what you're taught to teach — that don't fly. At primary school levels, the entire learning process to be rethought and redesigned to be effective, useful and fun, not drudgery, and not tax-supported daycare for one adult and a passel of children
  • a stop to pretending we know anything about the distant past, the distant future, the creation of the universe, outer space, and a million other things we don't have the knowledge to be talking about; all science to be directed toward useful and practical advances, plus, to exploring what we have access to here, on Earth. We know hardly anything about the ocean depths, Antarctica, the Earth at great depth. We know little about ourselves and other forms of life, so there is plenty to occupy our research without resorting to rash speculation, like about "Black Holes in space," or trips to Mars.

We can't know how much humans have contributed to CO2 — we don't know what proportion of the gas is emitted by fires, volcanic eruptions, CO2 from ocean creatures, microbes and bacteria... It's mindless speculation on the order of the "Quantum Computing" and "Dark Matter" nonsense, infantile science fiction. An age of rationality wouldn't entertain it.


One huge impediment to an age of rationality is the presence of the Climatards — AGW/global warming believers and activists.

One claim they make is that CO2 is "well-mixed," to support the idea of it "capping" the upper atmosphere.

Well, as it turns out, it is not "well-mixed" at all, according to a recent mainstream scientific study (2011), that for some reason got pulled.

That's okay, because it's also backed up by this 1985 Nature magazine study.

CO2 is 1.5 times heavier than air, it has to lie low. In fact, that's part of what "heavier than air," means. That doesn't mean it'll "puddle" around our feet, though. Winds and the heat of the surface of the earth will tend to agitate all gases, causing some mixing, but CO2 will generally be low in the atmosphere.

Without doubt, the relative concentration of CO2 is higher near the surface and decreases relative to other gases as you ascend.

It's funny how the Climatards ignore simple evidence — like a helium balloon.

So what if it is lower, though?

That means CO2 cannot act as a "cap" on the atmosphere.

A note about CO2 production: A hot-air balloon of course only uses... air, but heated warmer than its surroundings. The decreased density of the hot air is enough to send it shooting up into the sky, though. Most CO2 is going to be emitted warm, or hot, because it is the by-product of respiration or of burning or hot volcanoes — that means it will rise at first, up into the atmosphere, then tumble back down.


For experimental evidence, simply fill a CO2 balloon, and observe that it will stay down near ground, though it will drift around with the wind, of course. I wonder why this constant belittling, arguing, cursing, etc., when most people can conduct such an experiment for themselves.

Also: the carbon dioxide-filled balloon will not get any warmer than a pure air balloon!

In fact, someone already did an experiment to test this. It was to test of whether CO2 "held in heat," like the Climatards say. CO2 has a slightly lower specific heat, (a measure of how much energy it takes to change the temperature of a substance), so it cools off more rapidly, when removed from a heat source, as he demonstrated. Of course this is not addressed in the AGW screed.

The Shady Opposition

What Climatards don't understand, is that first, the simple explanation has to be met and validly countered, before any delusions, expressed as "complicated theories," like the "re-radiation" nonsense, are used.

No matter the proof, they will cling to their BS, with ridiculous, grasping excuses and explanations, or make ad hominem attacks, like, you "don't understand science," your "level of understanding is less than sophomoric," you are "making a fool of yourself," you are "amateurish." They'll tell you to go "read the literature," and "read a physics textbook" to "understand the science behind AGW," things they themselves never accomplish.

The head Climatard at one site, the blog owner, got very agitated when someone in the comment section mentioned volcanoes. He started screeching, so to speak, not to talk to him about volcanoes, they weren't causing any CO2, when of course they do release massive amounts of the gas.

The Climatards have a whole bag of tricks, blatant and subtle, like talking about the "delicate balance" of CO2, a sort of visualization hypnosis trick to fool your mind into creating a tangible representation, which of course means belief. Tricks should discredit the writer in the eyes of the reader, and we can see how they work, but can also see how difficult it is to counteract them when they take hold in the poor gullible souls who are manipulated by them.

On the other hand, most people who can reason in the first place, aren't going to believe in AGW, and logic isn't going to help the illogical believers.

So pay attention here: The argument in this article is definitive. That is, it proves the argument for man-made Global Warming, Climate Change, AGW, or whatever name they're calling it today, is completely wrong. To prove otherwise, one would have to contradict then disprove the clear and understandable points raised here.

There's an old saying, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." But, what if you're standing on the wrong side? Before you commit, you need tools for truth.

Well, we have such things as "Logic," but it, like "Science," is presented as something "hard." And there are many sources that teach logical fallacies, but somehow they're tailored to make logic seem "difficult," too. Fortunately, the linked article simplifies the subject.

A huge problem we face in this existence is overcoming human gullibility — and ego.

Perhaps the worst thing mainstream science has done, among its numerous sins, is to make things seem intractable to the average "layman"/non-scientist. But one reason for science is to make the complex, simple, not vice-versa. Now, a scientist may be smarter than you, he may be dumber, but he still has the same foibles, flawed thinking, and makes mistakes, like you and I. He can't work miracles. Much of "science" is faked anyway. The scientists will give "solutions," that aren't, like the "rainbow explanation."

Most Scientific Studies Today Are 'Fake Science'

SCIENCE SHOCK: Almost all medical studies are “bogus” … reproducibility approaches ZERO

Over 100 published science journal articles just gibberish

False positives: fraud and misconduct are threatening scientific research

Some Online Journals Will Publish Fake Science, For A Fee

Retracted Scientific Studies: A Growing List

At college/university, they'll blow up if you dare stray outside the dogma — so it's hard to even initiate any good research contrary to the AGW "accepted science."

No complicated argument will refute physical facts like the fact that lighter-than-air balloons go upwards, for example. Or that carbon dioxide behaves just like any other gas. That other gases absorb and re-radiate, like all elements do. There's nothing special about CO2. No one told us that it was magic gas when I was in chemistry class.

The simple and commonplace trumps all complex arguments. Trying to create an argument about CO2 "re-radiating" heat back to earth is not even a bad explanation, it is an insult, a taunt. It's a way of AGW scientists, and their benefactors, calling people stupid, and proving it to themselves when they see the people are not able to discern absurdity.

Not all the scientists are on board with the AGW farce, of course — there are many that oppose it.

In fact, a new declaration just came out, signed by over 1600 scientists, explaining that there is no "climate emergency," and in fact it's a farce.

Just the fact that there is a controversy should shut down AGW right there.

Odd, though, that the opposition hasn't managed to come up with a sound, presentable, concise argument to shut down the Climatards. Is it false opposition? Or do they want to leave an opening to waffle — to cover their bases, in case they want in on that sweet, sweet grant money at a later date?

Interesting Comments from Other Sites

I am in the Oil & Gas industry, and that probably (certainly) makes me biased, also affords me an opportunity that nobody else has - even scientists. I've lived several years working on the North Slope in Deadhorse, Alaska, and then I got a job with Aramco in Saudi Arabia. I promise you that the Arctic is not getting any warmer. The coldest I can recount was -80deg C. The Middle East is not getting any cooler/warmer/wetter/dryer. There is zero change in the weather in either place YOY. Throughout the year, the weather is very extreme in both places, but nobody ever talks about "climate change."
Anyone following the Climate cult and Depopulation agenda are pure Morons. Notice how No Restrictions are put on Mega yachts which takes 50,000 gallons of fuel for a trip, or private jets which would take a common man 20 trips to use the same amount of Fuel. None of the Pedocrats Climate commie controls effect the Super Rich, and yet morons still believe the shit they shovel. That's called Jealousy and pure Stupidity.

Figure It Out for Yourself

We're dealing with common observations and simple uncontested facts here:

  • density and stratification
  • CO2 no "different" than other gases in its general physical properties; that is, not magic gas
  • microscopic quantities can't have macroscopic physical effects

That last point has not yet been addressed. The quantity of CO2 in the environment is microscopic, only measured in hundreds of molecules per million in the atmosphere. Around 320 PPM. (PPM = parts per million.) Such a quantity of gas can't affect physical quantities like temperature. Even if it were a "magic gas," it couldn't have an appreciable effect on temperature in the macroscopic world.

They — AGW scientists/"Warmists" — treat CO2 as if it were alone, without other gases interacting with it and transferring heat. These interactions — molecules contacting and bouncing back — tend to make all the gases one uniform temperature.

There's something else: The Earth, itself produces heat. As you probably have heard, as you descend into the ground, the environment becomes progressively hotter. So hot that deep miners require air conditioning to carry on. This heat is probably produced by the radioactive decay of elements. Have the Climatards done extensive investigations into variations in this parameter?

Note: Some Jabroni replied to say that, yes, they had done just that. No proof or link to any study though, of course. We're dealing with real scum in this fight.

Someone, in frustration, used the term, "not even wrong," to describe something so outrageous, you can't just call it a mistake, but instead a complete and utter confused failure. Well, that's the case with AGW.

It's Never Going to End

Government is in the process of burying you, bit-by-bit, taking rights, bite-by-bite.

And the "news," is a noose, around your neck. It will continue to parrot the most egregious lies.

Even if the ridicule and discrediting of AGW is successful, down to the level of the common man, "they'll" just come up with some new absurd justification for more taxation and control.

Government doesn't care about "climate change."

But Climatards, want to believe, in it so they can get on their high horse and use it as an excuse to bully and attack others.

Someone said the unexamined life isn't worth living. Climatards have a low state of self-awareness, and no sense of irony or their own hypocrisy. Navel-gazers they may be, but they certainly don't examine their own inconsistencies and what their motivations are. Well, we already determined that they collectively lack maturity. As well, of course, there are the swine just pushing their murderous agenda.

Other Absurdities

They've been working on this one for a long time: "Aliens from outer space." That was one thing government "think tanks" concocted so we'll have to stay home and pay taxes. It's a plan to fake an alien invasion, something hinted at, way back when, by president Reagan.

You know I like to help them out, how about these:

  • There is some danger coming up from inside the earth due to man drilling and mining, so to stop the thing coming, it makes it necessary to stay home and pay taxes.
  • Gravity: It's getting stronger, and going to pull the moon into the earth, because of too much building and flying around, so to keep the moon where it is, we have to stay home and pay taxes.
  • The sun is going to go out unless we stay home and pay taxes.

Oops, forgot. Stay home, pay taxes and obey. I thought the government was servant of the public. Maybe it didn't get the memo.

The Takeaway

So, we've proven that there is no AGW, man-made climate change. Now wait — we've proven it, but we also mentioned that 1600 scientist declaration, which, interestingly enough, does not prove anything. Sure, it's a nice sentiment, but you know how it goes, they'll just pull up 1601 scientists that say there is AGW. Fortunately, we've now learned how to present proof using logic and empirical evidence. Based on what we can observe, daily, this is a completely new approach for most people, though it's the only technique that's legitimate!

As you know, climate is change. Unfortunately, the records don't go back far enough to really get a handle on the trend! That is, anything we come up with in that regard isn't likely to be statistically significant. However, we do have written descriptions of past centuries, and know that in 10th century England, they didn't need fireplaces, grew grapes, and so on. That is, it was much warmer back then. So we are likely experiencing a cold spell at this time period (which may be why the fraudsters were pushing the idea of a "global ice-age," back in the 1970s).

Nevertheless, despite all the facts, a Climatard has a number of tools at his disposal to "refute" them. That consists of the gamut of logical fallacies, including:

"That's not true!"

"That's not an official position!"

"That's been refuted!" I particularly love this one. You'll see it used all the time.

Yet there's no backlash or punishment for their blatant lies. What's odd is we find them contradicted by simple observation. For example, the claim that, "AGW is causing rising sea levels," yet the shoreline, in every coastal city I've been in, is just exactly where it always has been, which means it's the same everywhere. Yet they still claim "rising sea levels," and if you call them on it, they'll just lie and say they have risen.

Often, AGW proponents will claim that skeptics aren't doing "proper" experiments to refute AGW claims. If so, explain those improprieties, and show exactly what is considered "proper." Prove it up or shut up, Climatards!

Skeptics don't have to continually devise new experiments and proofs contradicting AGW; the onus is on the person making the positive assertion, that man is adversely affecting the climate. It's similar to the issues with the moon landing. There are plenty of reasons to question that — and the responsibility is on NASA to explain anomalies in their claims.

Unfortunately, you're not going to convince anyone. As we've seen, there are real blocks to convincing the Climatards. Additionally, there's no way of knowing if they're shills or clowns, just playing you. So, such people must be cut off or disowned. Sounds harsh, but it's not. Actually, it is a godsend, since these are the types that will eventually betray you or let you down anyway, and it's merely prudent to reduce or eliminate contact. If you're important to them, they may eventually do their own research and come around.

A Bad Situation Gets Worse

I knew there was a problem, but didn't realize the breadth of it: Both sides in this AGW/global warming issue are worthless and scamming. I was especially disgusted by one site where the climate "skeptics" did nothing but argue over nonsense and trivia. Then I reviewed several other sites, all of them poorly laid out, overly technical, but all scrounging for donations. It's a vast, sick industry, and the two "sides" of the issue are actually one side, with the few sincere ones the dupes and cucks of the scam.

Whatever role you have, if you're playing this gig, it doesn't behoove you to resolve it one way or the other; hence, the blindness towards overtures that would solve the AGW farce.

Now the so-called skeptics are on board about "greenhouse gases" being a threat, trapping heat and what have you, it's just a matter of how much it is going to affect the temperature!

If you don't know that the "greenhouse gas" spin is a scam, you have no business in this battle.

The trick here, of course, is an old one: set up both sides of a controversy, then, via "reasonable measures," implement the changes you wanted in the first place, sort of the old Hegelian dialectic, with a twist.

After all, shouldn't we all be "reasonable" and "prudent and cautious," "just in case?"

Even people of good will are drawn into this sucker's game.

Again, it doesn't help when skeptics, against the AGW spew, aren't able to articulate defenses for so much as the stupidest of arguments of the Climatards. Like this nonsense about carbon dioxide, and the rest of the "greenhouse gases," "trapping heat." As we've seen, were CO2 to trap heat in, it would also shield heat, from the sun, out.

And yes, this does condemn almost all mainstream scientists, because you can't find any of them concentrating on the simple, easily refuted points, at least not well enough.

You'll note that still, no one has come forward to explain why piers in all major coastal cities are not clearly and legibly marked with the current high and low tide marks so we can visibly see evidence of any "catastrophic rises" in sea level. Or why Venice, which does have those markings, there for hundreds of years, hasn't shown any rise. What about when pollution was so bad in the world, that London, England, had "pea-soup" fogs, which were actually pollution so thick you couldn't see what was in front of you? Why didn't that change the climate? No pea-soup fogs any more in London, so why not recognize that things are actually improving in the environmental front, and encourage more of the same, by improving living standards? And, there's the elephant in the room, China, which contaminates to a level that dwarfs other countries' pollution. Not a hint of sanctions, boycotts, embargoes, or even a meek word of protest there.

What's the Agenda?

That's the question everyone needs to ask when any frenzy gets underway, instead of default laziness and acceptance of royal proclamations by the scientific "elite."

But Know This

We all can agree: Pollution and chemical contamination of our environment is no good; work to eliminate that, not CO2, a substance essential to life.


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